Friday, April 02, 2004

Ok, so my rollovers haven't been working on this site, so I took them off. I added some new content in the form of books and such. If you are looking for something in particular, you can search for it from on the home page. Your purchases from my site help me out, so I appreciate if you tell everyone you know! Remember to save the amazon link to your favorites after you get there. 3DS Max 6 is out now, and it's an amazing product.

My foray into the world of America's Army is progressing, my honor has reached 13, and some of the missions have been quite exciting. So far my favorites have been with the 82nd Airborne, Mountain Passes and the Ranger Missions. It's a cool game, check it out.

Star Wars Galaxies is also coming along...I have been spending most of my time on Yavin 4 because the klikniks are awesome hunting. I also hate travelling by shuttle and only do so when I need to train a new skill. I am hoping the space expansion is awesome otherwise yet another game is going in the trashcan. I still have all my original everquest cds collecting dust...if anyone wants to buy them, send me an email. I will let them go cheap.

If you haven't played Need For Speed by EA yet...get your hands on it. It's a bling bling thrillride to rival some of the best racers on the market. You get to completely tune your car, and it's a blast. Here are a couple shots of my VW Golf GTi. View 1 from the front, and View 2 from the back.

Today I had the thrill of applying for a menial job with the county. Should I be so lucky and get the glorious job of Parking Attendant, I will at least be able to pay our rent which is a good thing. The job is also only 24 hours a week which leaves me time to work on other projects and eek maybe even another job. Ultimately I would like to have my businesses growing steadily so I can just go live in Hawaii, sit in the sun and frag people from the comfort of a nice beach. Hey, that's my dream, to each his own.

Signing off for now.

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